“The One Reason To Celebrate: JESUS!”

When it comes to celebrating Christmas, people have so many views and beliefs regarding the Holiday. Some people just celebrate the holiday itself and the exchanging of gifts. Other’s celebrate Santa Claus. Then there are some Christians that denounce celebrating Christmas in it’s entirety because of their conviction that it’s pagan. Whatever your belief may be, today and everyday, we can agree on one thing: Not only do we acknowledge the birth of our King in the history of the World whenever it was, but we Celebrate Who Jesus is. Jesus embodies all Majesty, Dominion and Power. He is truly The RULER & King of the World and He was born to Save US!

Let’s rejoice today. Whatever your convictions may be, It’s the Day of the Lord EVERYDAY, for EVERY BELIEVER, EVERYWHERE! We celebrate that He was born, He died and now He lives forever and is coming back to get His Church to be with Him forever.

Let’s remember Jesus is the center of everything.  As were celebrating Christmas, opening up our gifts and enjoying the festivities, let’s reflect and appreciate Who He Is, What He’s Done and Be Grateful for His Existence.

From my family to yours, Have a Blessed, Safe and Merry Christmas and God’s Grace, Favor, Peace, Comfort & Blessings be upon you.

Chris Tomlin – Noel (Live/Audio) ft. Lauren Daigle

In His Name,

Ke’Shawn Adamson




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