“Keep Focused”

struggle fredrickI’ve always been a goal oriented person and I get a rush when I’m able to check things off of my to-do list, but in this season of my life, God is holding me accountable and now more than ever, I’m holding myself accountable. Every day I’m faced with a choice: Either Surrender To My Flesh and Feelings OR Keep My Commitments I’ve Made To The Lord and Myself…This is the Struggle.

Yesterday was more than hectic…everyone was off from work and school so the house was bustling. I had a plan and agenda, but things happened throughout the day that threw everything off, so my exercise was pushed back and by the time I looked up, it was almost 8 p.m.  My body was achy, I was hungry, I had a headache and I was straight tired.  I had to have a long talk with myself and these are the things I had to say to ME:

  • “Keep your commitment to God”
  • “Keep your dream before you”
  • “Fight”
  • “Just Push!”
  • “If you don’t keep your commitments, you are delaying your process…”
  • “If you don’t keep your commitments, you are setting yourself up to do it again and again…”
  • “You won’t feel accomplished and satisfied until you exercise and keep your commitment…”
  • “Everytime you let your flesh win, you give IT POWER! Take back your power!!!”

The devil was talking to me too…”you’re tired…you’ve done a lot today…take it easy, IT’s Presidents DAY…a holiday…so rest…you can make it up another day…”

During these times of temptation, I have to talk to God and myself….A Lot!

Here are some quotes that help me to keep my focus:

Terri Savelle Foy

“To whom much is given, much is required… and if you say it backwards…much is required from those who  want much…”

“If you want to change your life, change what you do daily…”

“When a tribe in Asia wanted to yell curses at their enemies, they would say ‘May You Stay In One Place Forever!'”

“When you choose by your Spirit, you choose Life! When you choose by your flesh, you chose death.”

John Paul Jackson, “Unlocking Heaven’s Power: 

“The Choice we make at the moment of temptation will determine how much God is justified in working on your behalf.”

“The Closer you are to God, the less room evil has to operate in your life…the further you are from God, the more room evil has to operate in the events around you…”

“We need to learn to position ourselves to maximize heaven’s help”

“Unlocking Heaven’s power can be boiled down to one basic question: what is your focus?”

“The result of our choices will be spiritual or earthly– and those choices will determine our destiny.”

“We won’t be able to build a history of private victories without succeeding in the moment of choice. Private victories are the ‘small’ things we do because God told us to do them.”

With all that said, last night, I exercised! I’m taking it one day at a time…I’m fighting a hard fight…. but I’m giving it my best shot…every moment of choice I have to either feed my flesh or spirit… I’m giving it my all to remember what’s at stake…remember my focus…remember God’s Word and remember my goals…and from there…I’ve been choosing. This is how I’ve been conquering my small battles and gaining small victories to get to a greater promise.

Motivation for me has been essential in keeping me focused. Enjoy this video by Terri Savelle Foy “Where’s Your Focus?”

In His Name,

Ke’Shawn Adamson


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