“Speak Life! Speak Blessings!” Part 3

15615169714_743cf0c7db_oAt times, I don’t understand the ways of God…but what I’m coming to learn is what I thought and considered to be set backs, was God’s way of setting up His purpose for my life…and all those experiences, weaknesses and delays are intricately weaved together to bring about His desired purpose and good for my life.

I prayed and prophesied when I was single for the ability to become a stay-at-home Mom to care for my family…well, I’m a stay-at-home Mom and I care for my family…it’s a huge sacrifice and it cost me something…but God said Amen!…I prayed and prophesied that I would write about deliverance and all the things I’ve gone through…I’ve had to suffer some things to even begin to have a conversation about deliverance…BUT…I’m writing about deliverance and all the things God has taught me and things I’ve been through…I wanted to write a book about deliverance…B.O.O.M! blog-site is the beginning of my book….

I recently prophesied that I would have courage to write blogs about death and receiving God’s comfort…I’ve received the courage needed to write about comfort and I’m learning how to face my pain and receive God’s comfort…I prophesied that God would open to me a door that I could speak the word of God and the mysteries about Christ…God has given me B.O.O.M! blog-site as my platform to speak about Christ worldwide and it has reached people in over 243 locations all over the world…also…He allowed me the opportunity to minster to people on online radio and speak about deliverance…I have not arrived, but it’s my beginning unfolding.

I didn’t know that in my seeking out my own deliverance, how others are affected and the deliverance ministry he promised me, would come through my own struggle.

God heard all those prayers, countless times, days, years of prophesying over my future…laboring and travailing in prayer…the agony at times of waiting and being patient…waiting for my turn…I’m now seeing the ray of hope…a door opening…a glimmer of my future…but to even get to this place…this beginning…it has cost me something…God is taking my hardship and is turning it into my message.

The Lord was capable of just delivering me and taking my obesity away…all the attempts I’ve made, giving it my best shot at times to overcome, He could’ve had mercy and just took the burden away…but He didn’t…He had a purpose for it..I see that now…the purpose was for my good and to bring me to exactly where I am now.  As I overcome, I see now, He’s using this weakness, this handicap and this delay to catapult and push me forward to the next level in Him.

He has taken my weaknesses and using it to not only strengthen and heal myself, but heal, encourage and deliver others. I had no idea that my entrance into deliverance ministry would come through my own battle and stronghold…Wow! God is so unpredictable, I had no idea.

The seeds I’ve sown…the constant repetitive prayers I’ve prayed…The Word spoken daily over my life…the scriptures I’ve prophesied…I’ve been waiting a long time to just see this place…and you know what…I’ve had to fight…press…and it cost me something…but I believed His Word…so I kept and continue to still pray, fast, sow, apply faith, labor and repeat because I know in order to receive the promise, I have to work, I have to labor, I have to sacrifice and keep pressing.

The bible say’s a few things about our laboring and His Word:

Zechariah 4:10 (NLT)
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…

2 Corinthians 4:13 (NKJV)

...we have the same spirit of faith…“I believed and therefore I spoke,”we also believe and therefore speak….

2 Timothy 2:9
9 …the word of God cannot be chained.

Isaiah 55:10-11

…10″For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; 11 So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

In our struggle, we must let God finish the work. The answer isn’t always a quick fix or an easy out. Our delays and weaknesses come with purpose.  If God allows us to go through, He will strengthen us in the process…but until we get there, we have to trust Him that our weaknesses and delays are for a greater purpose and we have to speak the word and work our faith until we get to the end…blood, sweat and tears…He will strengthen us in our process. The bible says THE LORD prayed Himself,

Luke 22:42-43 (NLT)
“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him.

He’s using my weakness to help make me and others strong, let Him use your weakness to do the same. I’m pressing in to speak and pray those things that are not, as though they are…that cost something…it’s a sacrifice…sometimes I’m dead tired and don’t have anymore strength to do one more thing…but I press…pressing brings great rewards and trains our spiritual muscle to become warriors and resilient…My delays weren’t NO, it was “WAIT,” I’m preparing you for my appointed time.

Let’s continue to speak what we want to see until it comes to pass…I’ve been waiting for years just to see this sprout of growth…but God is not slow regarding His promise…let’s continue to press, put in the work until our change comes…it may seem delayed…it may seem like it’ll never happen…but IT WILL COME if we believe, are faithful and diligent in our waiting.

Philippians 3:13-14 (NLT)

13…I have not (arrived), but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past (and what lies behind me) and (I) look forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of (my) race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling (me).

Continue to join me and Let’s Become Free Together!

Check out Joyce Meyer 2016 – The Power and Promise of Gods Word

You’ll be blessed by it!


In His Name,

Ke’Shawn Adamson


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