“FOCUS On Your FAITH” Part 1

The Bible say’s in Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Life throws at us some serious curve balls, but in this season in my life, I’m learning to look pass what I see, and focus on what God can do.fe79a0d5157cfebb74fc0f96b15088b0

While walking with God, you’ll have some high highs…and then seasons where you’ll have some low lows.  The enemy is never quite and unoccupied…just when you think you’ve gotten pass one thing, here comes something else… and for some, especially those in ministry, it seems like there’s no rest.

The older I get, the more complicated life can be.  I was speaking to a friend and we both agreed, “this getting old thing…its really real…we’re dealing with some life or death situations, things we’ve never dealt with before.” When your young, for the most part, you’re not dealing with aches and pains in your body, concerns for your children, ailing parents, heart break, death, bills, debt, managing life affairs, balancing responsibilities, etc.

But as you get older, the complexity of your issues increase and you see people around you going through an array of issues as well. For many of us, we have family members that are sick and ailing. Some of us are going through hard times with our kids. Some of us are bogged down or worried about our children’s growth, development and overall well being.

For many of us, as we age, we become more and more concerned for our parents and their health. For most of us, we’re concerned or consumed by finances, debt or lack thereof. For some of us, were just trying to make it through a day suffering with various afflictions in our body. Some are battling with depression.

For some, we worry about everything. Some are trying to cope with grief and loss after losing a loved one and creating a new normal for their lives. Some are fighting to just catch a break and get to the next level in life. Some are fighting to reach their goals. Some are battling with weight. Some are carrying luggage of past hurts, pain and unforgiveness. Some are are just plain tired and weary from life. For some, their marriages have fallen apart and they’re trying to pick up the pieces.

What Do You Do When Life Has You Bogged Down?


In the book “Unlocking Heaven’s Power,” by John Paul Jackson, he say’s:

“What You Focus On, You Will Make Room For.”

I will leave you with this scripture and thought:

Philippians 4:8-9

8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise .9 Whatever you have learned or received….put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

The Lord led me to Philippians 4:8-9 when my Uncle passed away around this time last year. I was gripped with all kinds of could’ve, would’ve, should’ve, despondency and what if’s. At that end of the day, the Lord was showing me that the past was the past and He wanted me to let go in my heart and mind. He did things according to His own will…there was nothing I could’ve done to change the outcome. It was then God spoke to me about where He wanted my attentions, my mind and energies to dwell…

The Lord asked me to FOCUS ON THE LIGHT, all the good, the answered prayers, and Heaven’s gain, not earth’s loss. At that point, I had to let go…I had to surrender my struggle to Christ and submit to the Sovereignty of Christ…in order to help cope with my grief, I had to FOCUS ON THE LIGHT IN MY UNCLE’S PROCESS & PASSING, AND NOT THE DARK.

Whatever you’re going through or believing God for, no matter how it may appear, together, Let’s Focus On Our Faith and not the dark. 

God is teaching me these same principals as I go through my various storms, and what He’s teaching me, He wants me to share with you.

Continue to stay with B.O.O.M! for “FOCUS On Your FAITH” Part 2. God has more to say in helping us overcome and still achieve his vision and plan for our lives in the midst of our storms.

As always, be encouraged, stay connected, fight and Let’s Become Free Together.

Joyce Meyer-Battlefield_.What’s Been On Your Mind Lately


In His Name,

Ke’Shawn Adamson


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