“Change!” Part 1

17240001884_4f50c0be07_oI’m learning everyday, if I want to see change, I have to make a change. As I’ve said in other post, if what I’m doing isn’t working, I have to change what I’m doing.  These last several weeks, I’ve had to make tremendous changes both in what I’m doing spiritually and practically, which I’ll share with you today.

I feel super motivated recently. I feel like I’m gaining control over my destiny. God recently has given me new insight and inspiration to help me regain my focus again. I have up’d the ante on most things I’m doing.  Being in this wilderness,  I can’t predict or change the hand of God or when I come out, but there is one thing I do control…how I go through it. Being inspired by God through Terri Savelle Foy, I made a commitment to change some of my daily habits.

Before I give you my changes, just wanna put a disclaimer out there…the changes I made is something I prayed about for a while and is what the Lord is asking of me.  What He’s requiring of you may be entirely different…so please don’t look at this as a model for you to follow.  You hear from God and let Him reveal to you either the small or larger changes He’s requiring you to make:

Change # 1: I increased my devotion time with the Lord.

I spent time with Him before, but now, I made an commitment to spend time with Him no less than an hour a day.  Since I’ve done that, I’m truly finding answers to some things I’ve been praying about for years.

An hour when you have a family and other obligations is a stretch, but it doesn’t have to be. Five minutes to 10 minutes here and there all throughout the day adds up.  That hour can consist of anything, but it all revolves around feeding your spirit. It could be listening to scripture, praying, using scripture to prophesy over your future, reading a good “word” book etc.  I’m no longer haphazardly fitting God in, I’m making Him a priority.

Change 2: I’ve been fasting until noon.

I need to get heaven’s attention that I’m serious about wanting to change. I need power.  I need to hear from God.  I need to put my stomach and food on hold and pray in it’s place. I need to be in a position of prayer throughout these hours of fasting.  Sometimes, I’m able to find peace and quite where I can concentrate on prayer, other times, I’m busy and around a lot of people. I have learned no matter where I am, I can steal away moments or just say quick prayers in between tasks and keep my heart fixed on things I’m seeking Him about.  This has also allowed me the capacity to hear from him and become empowered and sensitive to Him. Fasting is also helping me become empowered to overcome my negative eating patterns.

Change #3: I’ve committed to listening, watching or reading something motivational  or inspirational daily to feed my spirit and help with my goals. 

I don’t know how I’ve come this far without doing the above.  Lately, I’ve been watching Terri Savelle Foy’s podcast which is only 8-10 minutes.  I fit this in while I’m doing something in the house, waiting, in transition, etc. This change I’ve made is awesome.  I feel super pumped and motivated and feel like I have a sense of direction and control that I didn’t have before.

Change #4: I committed to exercise 5 days a week.

This was something I already was doing, but I renewed my commitment.  I do at least 20-30 minutes of cardio 4 days a week in addition to alternating days where I focus on toning my upper and lower body and abs. The fifth day I only do 15 minutes of exercise. I absolutely feel crazy and like the scum of the earth when I don’t exercise.  Exercise is my woosah moment in my hectic world.  It’s something I just don’t do for my body, I do it for my mental sanity as well, LOL! I exercise at least 40 minutes to an hour and if I don’t have time to do that, I make certain I do something even if its just 12 minutes.

There are several more changes I’ve made that I’ll share with you for my next post, “Change” Part 2.  Stay connected, be encouraged and let’s continue to fight for freedom together.

Check out “Develop Habits For Your Dreams:” Terri Savelle Foy

In His Name,

Ke’Shawn Adamson


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