“Change!” Part 2


If I want to see change, I have to be about change.  As outlined in my last post, I indicated that I made a commitment to God that I would begin to develop new daily habits in an effort to move forward and towards achieving my overall weight loss goal in addition to positioning myself in moving closer to the promises God has given me. I listed the first four, today, I will list the rest.

As a recap, the first  four changes were:

Change #1: Increased my devotion time with the Lord.

Change #2: Fast until 12 noon.

Change #3: Read, watch or listen to something motivational, inspirational or goal oriented to feed my spirit. 

Change #4: Exercise 5 days a week.

Change #5: Complete fully the Food Lovers Fat Loss System.  

I’ve never completed this program.  Nothing is wrong with the program, I’ve gone from 319 to 275 pounds, but it was just me and my lack of consistency.  I would always lose a couple of pounds, get tired of being disciplined and come off.

One part of the program is committing to writing a daily eating diary.  I never stayed consistent with this. In the 21 Day Metabolism Makeover book, it states,

“Studies have shown that people who consistently keep a detailed daily eating journal eat 26% less food, lose 64% more weight and keep the weight off longer than those who do not.”

I would start journaling, but stop. The program gives you a great eating journal that also serves as a personal planner, so now, I write daily in my book…my daily to-do list, schedules and my eating diary.

Another thing I didn’t do was read the educational materials provided that will help me to lose the weight and keep it off.  I would read what was needed to know the program, but I never finished educating myself on foods, the secrets to success and implementing the life-time changes that was needed, so, I’ve made a commitment to finish the program and see it through till the end.

Change #6: I gave up Sugar!

Sugar is a beast, a beast that both I and my flesh love.  God spoke to me about sugar…sugar is the thing I run to in order to find comfort. Sugar along with other comfort foods, but mostly sugar, is the reason why I can’t lose the weight…it’s that door opener to other detrimental foods that hinder my weight lose progress.  I find it hard to eat sugar and then jump back on track, it’s like, I’ll have enough for the moment, but not long after, I want more.

I’ve learned some things and had to accept some things about myself… sugar for me, opens up the flood gates and opens up desires in me for foods that keep me in obesity.


It’s like when I eat sugar, some surge comes over me and say’s “IT’s PAARTAY TIME, ROARRRR!” I kid you not, LMBO! I always convinced myself ‘I NEED TO HAVE MORE DISCIPLINE” but its bigger than that, sugar feeds something in me…it feeds something in my soul and He laid it out that I had to give it up. My heart broke when He told me that…I literally cried…which I will go into at a later post. But this was serious for me.  This has been a struggle and my flesh at times is jonesing, but I’ve given it a great shot and been trying to stay away.

Change #7: Research Scripture to Prophesy Over My Future/Write My Vision, Dreams & Goals, Work Toward Them and Recite Them Before The Lord Daily

When I was single, I wrote out 20 pages of scriptures and declaration of what I wanted to see God manifest in my life and I recited it daily for years.  Well, I’ve seen most of those things come to past…1)My Husband who is the exact replica of what I prayed for 2) My Kids 3) Career and Ministry Goals.  After a few years, I stopped, but the Lord lead me to go back to that.

I’ve been declaring what I want to see happen in my life and have been finding scripture to back up that declaration.  I wrote down every dream I’ve ever had and I recite it before the Lord daily. My daily to do list is revolved around working towards those goals.

So far, it’s 19 pages, seems like a whole lot, but I tell you what, I take 1/2 of my time to go over these things with the Lord and during this time, God speaks to me, I feel a sense of healing every time I pray over those things and I feel hopeful that my change is here or could come at any moment and that keeps me hopeful and pumped about my future.  This process means everything.  I pray about everything that concerns me: my kids, my health, my parents, my marriage, my business, ministry, other people, the world at large, etc.  This is a part of my devotion to the Lord and He talks and deals with me during this time.

If I don’t know anything, I know my prayers mean something to the kingdom, so I take the time to invest in myself and others and seek God during this time.

Change #8: Take 10 minutes daily to organize and tend to something in my home

We do so much in the world, ministry or careers, it’s so easy to let your house go or neglect it because you’re simply too exhausted.  Scripture say’s if you can’t manage your home well, how will you manage spiritual treasures.  I made sure I put this change down…I take out a moment of time every day, 10-20 minutes and tend to something regarding cleaning or organizing.  I can’t be successful in the world if I let my house go and I’m a super fanatic about everything being organized and orderly, so, I’m working on that.

All this is a lot, I agree, but anything we want to do, we FIND TIME to do it and we make adjustments to get it done…so I’ve been making these changes priority.  Another disclaimer…SOME OF THESE CHANGES I’VE BEEN MAKING, IT’S BEEN OVER THE LAST FEW MONTHS,IT HASN’T BEEN ALL AT ONCE. I’ve been making changes in small steps one day at a time.

So how have I been getting things done?  I’ve been getting up earlier and maximize every moment of my day to get things done for me, the Lord, the family and so far, I’ve been in bed early too. For the most part, most of these changes take 10-20 minutes with the exception of spending time with the Lord and exercise, so it’s about managing my time and maximizing my moments.

When I’m done with my day for almost these last two weeks, I’m exhausted…this is new for me, so I’m still getting adjusted…but I’m so motivated now…I’m more focused than ever before…I feel so accomplished…and I feel like I’m taking control and not letting things haphazardly happen any longer. I’ve always been goal oriented, but now I am purpose driven.

I can’t control the hand of God, but what I can control, I’m giving it my best shot.  God is in charge of promotion and increase, but I am working towards being in position whatever and whenever He decides to move mightily on my behalf.

Pray to the Lord and Let Him Speak To You About The Changes You Need To Make To See Your Biggest Dreams Come True.  Pray for my strength in the Lord to persevere and overcome as I’ve been praying for you.

This Is A Movement Towards Freedom, JOIN ME!

In His Name,

Ke’Shawn Adamson


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