“Moving Towards Obesity” Part 5

19420355176_ff237913d2_oI remember my very first visit to the OBGYN to receive my pregnancy results…my husband and I were ecstatic…even though I didn’t feel ready physically and emotionally for this new chapter in my life, I always dreamed of having my first child with my husband and it was here…so I pushed those feelings aside and relished in the moment. The doctor came in and gave us our results…I was pregnant…Yayy! We all rejoiced and were thrilled…but soon after, that high was short lived.

The doctor said to us, “I’m so happy for you both, but I’m sorry to tell you, I’m going to have to refer you to another doctor…I won’t be able to deliver your baby…because of your weight, that qualify’s you for having a high risk pregnancy and right now, I currently don’t work with high risk patients. I’m so sorry!”  I was bummed…because of my weight…not because of any disease or deficiency…because I’m over weight, obese rather, I’m now classified as having a high risk pregnancy…this is where fear and disappointment began to sprout it’s ugly head.

I said to myself, “we’ll, I’m pregnant now, but that doesn’t mean I can’t pull this thing together and get my body in shape.”  So I immediately started exercising, eating right and was feeling really good.  Before I knew it, that optimism came to a screeching halt, the doctor called with my lab results, “we were looking at your blood work, your levels are low…we’re going to put you on medication to help regulate your levels…for now, don’t exercise…you don’t want to put strain on your body with low levels, that could cause you to lose the baby.”

Okay so now I’m stressed out. My levels are low, I’m high risk, I can’t exercise or push too hard or I run the risk of losing my baby…how am I physically supposed to prepare my body to be fit enough to give birth…No words.  I had just gotten pregnant and already, there was a lot of difficulty the first 1-2 months…this is supposed to be a joyous monumental moment for us, but instead, it was beginning to be one of great concern.

So, I tried to make the best of it…I started to eat better and because my job had just downsized, I was always running around like a mad woman, which was good and bad but at least I was physically active. But around 3-4 months, I started cramping a lot. It started off as small cramps, I saw the doctor, she said everything looked fine and as long as I didn’t see any blood…we were good to go.

When I was around 4-5 months, I took a trip to Florida to visit my sister who just gave birth to my niece.  While on the plane returning to NY, I kicked my purse under the seat too far and when I tried to reach it, I must have moved the wrong way and I felt a gut wrenching cramp I knew wasn’t good…and that pain grew.  I was thousands of feet up in the air and there was nothing anyone could do for me…my Mom and I sat on that plane and just prayed…we didn’t know what was happening, but at that moment, we didn’t know if my baby was going to make it through that.

Thank God, once I got off the plane, the cramps died down and I went to see my doctor…we found out what was wrong.  I lacked sufficient water which was causing me to have contractions.  I was drinking a lot of water at the time, but didn’t know that because of my morbid obesity, my body and the baby required more water than I was giving it.

Praise God…we got pass that nightmare but then nothing prepared me for what came next.  Continue to join me for “Moving Towards Obesity” Part 6 where I’ll continue to go into further detail about how obesity and pregnancy almost jeopardized my life.

As always, be encouraged, stay connected, fight and Let’s Become Free Together.

PHILIPPIANS 3:13 (NKJV) …one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,

Signs Your Past Is Keeping You From Your Future – Terri Savelle Foy

In His Name,

Ke’Shawn Adamson


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