“Personal, Spiritual Warfare and Prayers of Success To Speak Over Yourself & Family”

Hello, Hello! Hoping each of you is well, or, as well as you can be during these tough times. Just want you to know, I speak over you daily, decreeing and declaring the blessings, protection, deliverance, healing, and breakthrough of God be upon all of you.

Everyday, I spend time prohesying and declaring what I desire to see God do upon the earth. Recently, He spoke to me about this one habit:

“Ke’Shawn, will I not honor your request and prayers you faithfully decree & declare everyday…It’s means something in heaven for someone to speak and believe…it’s that extra mile of faith. I am honored and will be glorified in your faithfulness. I will help you.,.keep your eyes laser focused on me, lassoing the distractions, details, and swing them over to me. I will be glorified upon the earth through you. Rest! I got all the details, rest! “ thus saith the Lord!” 2/3/21

This one thing I do isn’t easy. Somedays, I really desire to get up, pray and move throughtout my day. But, I remember, how many people are throughout the earth decreeing and declaring my demise, the body of Christ, my kids and everything concerning me and Christ? They too, are decreeing and declaring over the spirit realm what they desire to see and the agenda of satan or their god. This thought, pushes me, despite of what I may be feeling, to decree and declare the move of God.

Also, from my early twenties, my BFF gave me a book, “Prayers That Availth Much,” and I understood that it wasn’t enough to have silent faith over what I belive God to do, but if I really desired to see the manifiestation of Christ and see my prayers comes to pass, speak the Word of God and hold God to His word and work it over my life and everthing that concerns me. So, I’ve been doing it sense.

Recently, I felt fatigued speaking God’s word outloud, everyday, sometimes, for 30 minutes. The reason why my list is so long because I’m getting really specific about some areas of concerns in my life, the desires on my heart and felt lead to go deeper into speaking what God is putting on my heart. What He spoke encouraged me to faint not and that my efforts are not in vain and to persist on.

This practice of decreeing and declaring the Word of God I began when I was single, no children, just getting on my feet in Christ. This is what I’ve seen since doing this…everything that I spoke and prayed according to God’s word and will, came to pass. There was a lot I was believing God for and decades ago, but today, I’m walking in those answered prayer.

I encourage you to do the same.

Below is a prayer I pray everyday…It’s really long, but, it hits the points of what I’m believing God for. I pray as you speak God’s word over yourself and family, you begin to look out for the answers because they will come.

If you pray this prayer and see God move, please be sure to leave some comments below.

Continue to join me as I share with you what Christ is sharing with me about overcoming. As always, Be Encouraged, Stay Connected, Fight & Let’s Become Free Together!

Yours in Christ,

Ke’Shawn Hill-Adamson


Prayer to Cover Your Day

Today is the day, the gift, the Lord has made, I will REJOICE, Be Present, CELEBRATE & Be glad in it. I speak wisdom, miracles, signs, wonders & Favor come forth tour day over everything concerning & connected to me. I dedicate myself and everything concerning me to your tour day. No matter what tour day brings, I will know you better and love you more. Lead me tour day Father children, I die to myself, mind, will, emotions, rights, anger, my will, and I ask you live, embody, and move in me.

Show me your will and it is done In Jesus’ name!

3 things are my heart desires, & you will cause to happen,

  1. I, we, will know you better and
  2. love you more.
  3. Making tour day count in Jesus’ name…Show us who to be a blessing to today and thank you for your favor.

Today, I identify and throw off and surrender to the feet of Jesus my mind and what I think about. I surrender to Jesus’ feet the things I cannot control, ppl, feelings, circumstances, distraction, the past, lies, guilt, shame, condemnation, responsibilities, and things that are not in my control and things that do not matter, not important.

Jesus quickens me and I lasso every thought, I throw it off me and give Jesus the details to fix, I let it go and I rest in Jesus’ name. I rest. I have the mind of Christ and Grace to sustain my peace. Jesus is my defense, I will not respond to foolishness, I let all things go.

Thank you for making me flexible tour day, our children you go I will follow and be sensitive to your movement. I move out of the way, rest, and let you lead. My soul is anchored in you, so no matter what happens today, I am flexible to your will and your way and I see you and your hand throughout my day. Today is going to be a great day, something great is going to happen to me and my family, through me and my family.

By the authority given to me by Jesus Christ, I speak life, blessings, miracles, and all of the heaven be activated today and move on our behalf today over my life, my home, husband, parents, kids my family, friends, their jobs & everything connected to me, the extensions of me and them, my building, neighborhood, community, the body & bones of Christ, City of New Rochelle, Westchester County, NYS, our local leaders, US leaders, world leaders and the bones of the universe, the suffering, elderly, grieving, widows, missing, abused, slaves, orphans vulnerable, babies, children and youth, seniors. Our military, national, inter security, first responders, medical prof, law enforcement, Our president, former president, VP, and every government official, our election, world leader, corrupt govt & world leaders, persecuted countries & ppl, lands and regions, the body and bones of Christ, unjustly accused vindicated, 7 continents, land, seas, we all submit, bow, confess and surrender to the will of God declaring Jesus is Lord, receive salvation healing and wholeness tour day, operate in Gods wisdom tour day, the manifestation of Christ be revealed tour day, souls & eyes awaken to Christ, the new birth of revival come tour day and Jesus makes a way of escape today. We break free from Egypt and walk n newness n revival of Christ in Jesus’ name.

I cancel the assignment of the devil, strip them of their power, throw evil doers in spirit & on earth be thrown into confusion, anti-Christ laws and legislation die prematurely…all evil plots concerning me, us, our home, and abroad die in Jesus’ name. Any plot, plan, and agenda to kill, steal or destroy assigned to me, us now, locally, nation & abroad is broken and destroyed in Jesus’ name.

No hurt, harm, and danger, anger, theft, rape, rage or retaliating spirit, infirmity, death n destruction, incantation, curses in the physical and spiritual realm will befall us, and no accident, injury, or death will come near us in Jesus’ name.

Jesus is interceding for us and He has dispatched angels to help and keep us in all our ways. The Lord makes a way of escape for us and Be the God of provision, mercy, grace, favor, deliverance, healer, salvation, and blessing towards us in Jesus’ name.

The Lord shows our mercy and kindness towards us and gives us peace delivering us from every seen and unseen danger, canceling every curse, incantation plot, plan, and agenda set up for us are broken, canceled null, and void. All demons n attacks assigned to your church, the bones of the church, die in Jesus’ name and turn into a blessing. All elemental forces assigned demons are paralyzed and they will refuse to cooperate with the enemy today and what is meant for evil will be turned to be a blessing, in the spirit realm and earth in Jesus’ name.

On behalf of myself and all of mankind, we repent and are sorrowful for our trespasses, have mercy on your people tour day Merciful Father children. Deliver your ppl, show yourself strong and get the glory from tour day and it all, in Jesus’ name!

Ephesians 1:17-23 & 3:14-21

  • I pray, decree, and declare to Our God the Father children of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father children of glory, You will grant us the spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight…we will know the mysteries, secrets, deep and intimate knowledge of You. 
  • The eyes of my heart are flooded with light so that I can know and understand the hope to which You have called us. 
  • We will know and understand the greatness of Your power in and for me as I believe,
  • We will know that same power that was demonstrated in the working of Your mighty strength, which you exerted in Christ when You raised Him from the dead and seated Him at Your right hand in the heavenly places far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named,
  • You put all things under Jesus’ feet and have appointed Him the universal head supreme Head of the church,
  • In Jesus’ body and our bodies, lives the full measure of Christ who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere children with Himself.
  • We see the greatness of your plan by which I am built together children in Christ.
  • All earth bows our knees before You, Father children of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • We are adopted, accepted, secure, steady, stable, and safe with the love and embrace of God My Father’s children through my Lord Jesus Christ.
  • We walk in the true love of our Father’s children.
  • We are strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in my inner man by the Holy Spirit Himself
  • The Holy Spirit dwells in our innermost being and personality. 
  • Christ through my faith dwells, settles down, abides, and has made Our permanent home in my heart!
  • We Are rooted deeply in and founded securely upon Our Father’s love.
  • We have the power to be strong and to apprehend and grasp with all the saints and experience, the breadth, the length, and the height of your love.
  • We are baptized, know, experience, and saturated in your love,
  • We walk out true agape love towards ourselves and our children.
  • We know and experience for ourselves the love of Christ towards us which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience.
  • We are filled through all my being with the fullness of Christ & Our love.
  • We have the richest measure of Your divine Presence.
  • By the power that is at work within us, you can carry out Your purpose in and through us.
  • You can superabundantly do far over and above all that I dare ask or think and infinitely beyond my highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams—to You be the glory!
  • In all things, to You be the Glory.

Personal Prayer for Success

This is what you say about us Father, who we are in you:

  • I was created by you, for you with a purpose.
  • I break all fears in Jesus’ name.
  • I will fear no man,
  • No rejection of man,
  • I fear no condemnation.
  • no evil spirit or circumstance,
  • for you are with me and fighting for me.
  • I walk in faith and not by sight.
  • You are working behind the scenes.
  • moving on my behalf, my immediate family’s behalf.
  • You remove from hearts and minds traumas, pain, anger, distrusts, hurts, unforgiveness confusion and
  • We live in peace, unity, rest forgiveness, love.
  • The spirit of the Lord is upon me to preach the good news to the Poor.
  • To open the eyes of the blind, cast out demons, and set the captives free.
  • To comfort those that mourn in Zion.
  • To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the coming of the lord and Our splendor.
  • You have great plans for me.
  • Plans for good, and not evil, to give me hope and a future.
  • This month, I, we wait in expectation for that new thing and miracles bursting forth.
  • By Jesus stripes and wounds, I AM, we are, healed, complete, and whole.
  • My body is healed, miraculously fit, energetic strong, and running, my metabolism is at high speed, lymphatic purifying my body, knees, muscles, joints bones ligaments limbs healed and wholly restored, foreign growths, fibroids, nodules, infections dissipated and dissolved, bloodstream purified, I am healed in Jesus’ name.
  • I, we, are immune to every virus, we curse every disease and sickness, dizziness, pain, infirmity, covid-19, and it is broken, and it will go now in Jesus’s name and by His stripes, we are healed.
  • Obesity abolished, swallowed up and melting away,
  • Fat is melting away and
  • I am the best version of myself,
  • fit, toned, body and skin shrinking and
  • My taste buds, appetite belly hunger is surrendered and has conformed to the will of God.
  • The stronghold of negative eating habits,
  • sabotaging food cravings and
  • choices and cycles,
  • food comforting, emotional &
  • grief eating, self-medicating food choices,
  • thoughts distortions
  • broken and gone never to return.
  • I am empowered to develop habits that cause me to live,
  • I am free.
  • in good health operating in my new body in the newness of Christ…
  • healed in my mind, heart, emotions, and my physical man to
  • I eat to live.
  • God is my only source of comfort.
  • What was impossible in my weight loss efforts, the strongholds are broken, every day,
  • my weight will obey the will of God and decrease daily.
  • I have a mind and heart and spirit to sustain it.
  • If I am big or small, obese, or fit, I know undoubtedly that.
  • I AM beautiful.
  • fully worthy and
  • accepted just as I am…
  • I am loved and
  • accepted by God my Father and
  • not needing the approval of man…
  • I am worthy not because of what I have or look like or do, but because of who God says I am.
  • Walking confidently because
  • I am beautiful and unique.
  • I do not walk in fear or doubt in myself,
  • I walk in Power, Love, peace of mind, and
  • full of confidence in Christ.
  • I Arise
  • I & soar in my greatness and
  • will not shrink back in fear or doubt…
  • I arise in what greatness Jesus put in me and
  • I Arise.
  • All be actions will be rooted in faith, compassion, mercy, power, boldness, courage, and love.
  • Thank you for your creative, witty ideas, inventions, innovations, wisdom, and problem-solving capabilities.
  • Thank you for funding my dream and sending financial help.
  • Thank you for the ability to create and sustain wealth.
  • Thank you for the blessings flowing our way to be a blessing.
  • Cover protect n favor me to do what you called me to do.
  • Be present, asking for spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and insight to build what ppl need.
  • My baby, that gift, calling you are birthing in me is covered under the blood and the
  • Break the enemy that comes prematurely to kill, steal, sabotage, and destroy its birth,
  • I cancel any miscarriage and any assignment, and I break & dismantle the enemy’s camp in the name of Jesus assigned to that birthing and
  • by the blood of Jesus, my baby will not die but live and see the salvation of the Lord.
  • I will not die or experience devastation in the process but see the salvation, grace, favor, and ease of the Lord.
  • I Give, and it will be given to me. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together children, and running over, will be poured into my lap. For with the measure I use, it will be measured to me, Luke 6:38
  • Thank you for that money, opportunities, resources, mentors, help, provision, people, sponsors,
  • Godly connections and favor are coming to us tour day, right now in Jesus’ name.
  • We find money everywhere we go.
  • I will not chase money; it will chase me…I refuse to worry about, or chase money will take wings and fly away.
  • I am a servant first, blessings follow.
  • I am blessed to be a blessing.
  • Our gift makes room for us and brings us before kings.
  • We will have divine appointments, promptings daily, and
  • will be at the right place, at the right time to
  • meet the right people.
  • Our gifting calling and career will collide and
  • I make substantial money doing what I love providing for my family and being a blessing to many.
  • You are at the head and end of every problem creating provision and a way of escape.

Warfare Prayers

  • All dead or devastating thing in our lives, dry bones in our lives, hurt, dead & devastated relationships, LIVE, breathe and come to life in Jesus’ name,
  • You Make all things new.
  • The old, demonic assignments, generational curses, familiar spirits, strongholds, death, fear, broken relationships, distorted mindsets, sickness, rejection, sabotaging behaviors, has fallen off our families’ life and passed away, behold, we and everything concerning us are made new.
  • You, Jesus, break every chain in Jesus’ name.
  • Thank you that you have Destroyed the great caterpillar, cankerworm Palmer that great army that attacked us, restoration and revival is ours now in Jesus.
  • When tempted, we know and understand the battle is not mine but the Lords.
  • Tour children are no condemnation to those that walk in Christ Jesus.
  • No one has a right or authority to judge me,
  • Jesus is my advocate and defense.
  • We are not what our children say about us or what our children think we are to be, we believe and are what God says we are!
  • We are called righteous and are as bold as a lion.
  • I, we, will not fear or be discouraged…
  • The Lord has commanded us to fear not, He will be with us.
  • My one prayer father, Thank You We Will Not Close Our Eyes Until We See You Heal Our land…
  • Thank You for Repairing the Breach & Restoring the Land devastation
  • We die, we let Christ arise in us.
  • Jesus walks freely throughout our house putting everything in order.
  • I fortify tour home, soul, with the blood of Jesus,
  • Jesus fortifies tour home/soul with Jesus’ presence and Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus fortifies our home/soul with Our love, unity & peace.
  • I will discern traps, agendas, and bait set out to attack me, the family through unclean spirits.
  • Unclean spirits find no peace or door openings in our home.
  • Demonic door openings shut in Jesus’ name.
  • Every unclean spirit returns to the pit & unable to return our children.
  • I have wisdom, a hard forehead, and a strong backbone towards it all and I keep my peace.
  • My hands know how to war, and fingers and I know how to fight against the spirits attacking me, the family, and strongholds.
  • I know the truth and that truth sets me free.
  • We are Wise as a snake innocent like a dove when interacting with our children, full of insight.
  • I correct my kids in Godly wisdom, discernment, truth, discipline, self-control and
  • I pause, I am calm, and I am quick and sharp dealing with my kids and attacks of the enemy.
  • I hear your voice and
  • you move on our behalf and you get the glory.
  • Open my kids’ eyes father that they see the truth.
  • Convict our children and expose sin when they are in error.
  • Miraculous deliverance and chains broke from our children.
  • Scales removed from our children’s eyes.
  • Mind and thoughts renewed, silencing satan.
  • Mouth n hearts speaks only the truth, truth revealed.
  • Breaking Pride, stubbornness rebellion
  • Loose contrition, humility, truth love forgiveness
  • You send our children Revelation.
  • They will be women and men of God you called our children to be.
  • You help us to release them and let them go with our blessings.
  • The war regarding our children has ceased and has passed over our homes.
  • Jesus declares peace be still in our home in Jesus’ name.
  •  He is fighting and miraculously putting things in order.
  • I have a strong backbone and a hard face towards it all.
  • I am strong inwardly and
  • I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.
  • Quick sharp awake alert to the enemy
  • My family, my kids, is my mission field…
  • I can do all things in Christ He has called me to do!

Lord, I surrender…

  • Whatever comes my way today…
  • I thank you for Grace to surrender it all…
  • I surrender tour mission,
  • my assignment,
  • husband, wife, my family, my body,
  • obesity, my day,
  • the pain, sin, persecution in the world
  • my business, my debt, my finances
  • my kids, their education,
  • …they will always be the head.
  • my hopes, dreams,
  • hurt, pain, my path,
  • weight loss,
  • my family,
  • all fears,
  • any rejection,
  • our relationships,
  • my concern and
  • everything that which you called me to do,
  • the things I cannot control and
  • I relinquish control…
  • I surrender and let it all go.
  • Your will be done, even as it is in heaven.
  • No matter what happens, I will not be moved,
  • I keep my eyes lifted.
  • Laser-focused on you in FAITH
  • I walk free and unmoved of the seed and root and acts of rejection…
  • I know who I am, and I am fully loved and accepted by God my Father.
  • I Keep my eyes laser-focused on you.
  • Thank you for the provision and taking care of everything in my heart,
  • known and unknown and fixing and meeting every need in advance Jesus’ name, Amen!
  • We break n Cancel the assignment of the enemy that has been stealing, killing, and destroying everything concerning us, our household, our health,
  •  We have peaceful sleep n rest.
  • Thank u for the new doors opening w/opportunities & finances.
  • YOU do exceedingly above and beyond whatever I can think or imagine and
  • Thank you for the new doors, collaborations causing my wildest dreams to come true right now,
  • Sending me inspiration, know-how, and help right now in Jesus’ name.
  • You get the Glory out of EVERYTHING BIRTHED THROUGH ME, through us!

Everything I spoke is fortified and sealed and protected-with the blood of Jesus and my words coming to pass going before the Kingdom of the Lord and be pleasing in Our sight and He releases help, answers, miracles, signs, wonder, and favor right now in Jesus’ name.



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