“Sticking Close To Jesus To Overcome”

Changing a lifetime of bad habits can be excruciating.  It requires commitment, fight, resolve, persistence, passion and the resilience to want to change. I’ve come to learn in my fight to overcome, especially in my weight loss journey that you really have to want to change in order to make change happen…you have to go after it and obliterate anything that stands in your way.

When I committed to losing weight, for the first time, my heart was 100% committed too, but my flesh on the other hand was and still is kicking my butt and fighting me every step of the way.  During these last six months, Christ is truly teaching me the keys to overcoming and even when I struggle the most and fall sometimes, He’s still teaching me and this time, I’m learning how to overcome and win.

Discipline hurts hands down!!! Telling your flesh no and following through with NO is killer at times and for a foodie…you go through. Sometimes you can find yourself rocking back and forth like an addict to maintain that NO…I know I do. I love good food and my tongue and senses can dissect any meal and break it down to it’s barest ingredients. For a while, I was good with telling myself No…I was good at staying on a eating regime…no diet…a life-style change…one that requires discipline and some level of self-control but I was content.  But after a while, more recently, my appetite and palate started to desire other things and my flesh wanted everything at every moment…and it wanted nothing to do with discipline…this where my struggle comes in.

During one point of my weight loss journey it seemed like I had everything under control and out of no where, my appetite became insatiable. Every moment I wanted to eat everything…at all times.  For a while, the things I gave up didn’t seem to bother me but boy oh boy did that change…the control and discipline seemed harder and harder.  I kept falling off the wagon…it felt like my appetite increased and I was having a hard, hard time being disciplined and not catering to every whim my flesh dictated.  I was successful a lot, but there were other times caved into those my desires…it was like it was stronger than me.



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