“The Journey To Obtaining Your Promise-land: Overcoming Fear with Faith & Finding Comfort In God’s Love” Part 13

I’m living in a state of uncertainty in many areas of my life right now. Many things in my families life are shifting, moving and changing from moment to moment.  One moment we could be enjoying God’s rest and then BAM!, some news hits us causing our hearts to fear. I’m learning a lot of new spiritual muscle that’s making me uncomfortable, but spiritually, it’s making me strong and more intimate with Christ.

One thing I’ve learned working in ministry, once you actually begin to impact the lives of people in Christ and upset the enemies apple cart, sometimes, all hell breaks loose. God forbid, you receive revelation and actually begin to walk out your purpose, newsflash, the enemy has now taken notice of you and has you or your family as his bulls-eye, which is what’s happening to my family and I right now, But God!

Through these setbacks and attacks, I’m finding myself on my knees…a lot!  In the midst of an attack and I feel my heart shrinking in fear, I’m learning how to actually pour my heart out to Christ.  I’m learning how to cry, release and relinquish all that I’m feeling in prayer. For the first time, I’m actually allowing myself to feel, reach out for help from others and call on God with His word unlike any other time. I’m unlearning how to unbottle my emotions and how to allow God’s love in through His word and allow it to wash over my fear, my concerns, my hurt etc.

In this season of uncertainty, I’m hungry to know God’s love for me and what His Word says about me, as his little girl and I’m allowing that Word, to wash over my soul.

No matter how old we become, in our heart and souls, we’re still babies and we still need so much love, reassurance and comfort just like our kids do.  In our older age, we ignore the child in us and have learned to be tough, but we’re wired inwardly as kids with an innate yearning to know with certainty that everything is going to be okay, that our Father, Lord God Almighty in Jesus will never, ever leave, forsake or abandon us to the grave, to hell on earth or any mountain we face. Even as adults, we too get really scared and need a parents love and comfort.  For those of us whose parents that have gone on in the Lord, all the more. At 40, my heart feels like it’s 7 and I yearn for comfort like a 7 year old.

When my heart is fearful, I’m reminded to look up. I’m reminded that I’m God’s child and that He cares what I feel and go through. He will not, WILL NOT ABANDON his children.  No matter what mistakes I make, He doesn’t look at me, at us, as good for nothings and disappointments. The Father of all looks at us with loving eyes, the same way we beam with love at our kids, He looks at us with those same eyes and He wipes our tears in our fear and despair.

He is the Creator of all and wants to remind us today, We Are Not Alone.  Though the earth shakes and the mountains be removed, His unfailing love will never be shaken or removed, say’s the Lord who has compassion on His people.  The God of the Universe is with us and EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING He made is subject unto Him.

The Lord says to us all going through, “Look UP! Look Up! I AM your Father. I care about every detail of your life. I know where you hurt and I will heal and  give you strength to go through your toughest valleys.  REST My Beautiful Child, REST, knowing that your Abba, Your Father, is here. I AM with you and in the midst of your troubles. Do not be afraid, I’ll NEVER LEAVE You alone, and I’ll move all of Heaven & Earth coming to your rescue and defense. Don’t look at what’s happening around you, look at me and trust me that I’ll bring about good what the enemy means for evil. Hold on and trust me. I will always love you, no matter what, eternally!!!.”

Isaiah 41:8-20 (GNT) says,

8 “But you, Israel my servant, you are the people that I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham, my friend.
9 I brought you from the ends of the earth; I called you from its farthest corners and said to you, ‘You are my servant.’ I did not reject you, but chose you.
10 Do not be afraid—I am with you! I am your God—let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you.
11 “Those who are angry with you will know the shame of defeat. Those who fight against you will die 12 and will disappear from the earth.
13 I am the Lord your God; I strengthen you and tell you, ‘Do not be afraid; I will help you.’”


14 The Lord says, “Small and weak as you are, Israel, don’t be afraid; I will help you. I, the holy God of Israel, am the one who saves you. 15 I will make you like a threshing board, with spikes that are new and sharp. You will thresh mountains and destroy them; hills will crumble into dust. 16 You will toss them in the air;
the wind will carry them off, and they will be scattered by the storm. Then you will be happy because I am your God; you will praise me, the holy God of Israel.

17 “When my people in their need look for water, when their throats are dry with thirst, then I, the Lord, will answer their prayer; I, the God of Israel, will never abandon them.
18 I will make rivers flow among barren hills and springs of water run in the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water and the dry land into flowing springs. 19 I will make cedars grow in the desert, and acacias and myrtles and olive trees. Forests will grow in barren land, forests of pine and juniper and cypress. 20 People will see this and know
that I, the Lord, have done it. They will come to understand that Israel’s holy God has made it happen.”

The Spirit of God say’s to us, “Do Not Be Afraid, The Lord God Almighty is With Us!”

Continue to join me as I share with you what God is sharing with me about overcoming. As always, Be Encouraged, Stay Connected, Fight and Let’s Become Free Together!

Hidden In My Heart Volume II – Wonderfully Made

Yours in Christ,

Ke’Shawn Adamson




13 Responses

  1. Esta página tem definitivamente toda a informação que eu queria sobre este assunto e não sabia a quem perguntar. Este é o meu primeiro comentário aqui, então eu só queria dar um rápido

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